I am passionate about investing in our youth as they are the foundation of our future. I am dedicated to helping young people see their potential and understand the paths they can take, especially in STEM fields. By empowering them with skills, confidence, and awareness, I aim to inspire the next generation of innovators and leaders, opening doors to a future full of possibility.
The Dronettes
The Dronettes originated out of a love for dance and coding. My goal is to motivate GIRLS TO CODE. Computing is where the jobs are — and where they will be in the future, but fewer than 1 in 5 computer science graduates are women. Help close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks, likes, and does.
Drone Zone
My motivation behind Drone Zone was to highlight careers in the Tech Industry. Students have limited STEM career knowledge with respect to subject requirements and with respect to what sort of activities these careers involve. The Drone zone gave students the opportunity to fly drones, learn to code, and interact with field experts.
The STEAM education movement emphasizes 21st-century skills, project-based learning, and the interconnectedness of academic subject areas. Teaching STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) helps students become more proficient in collaboration, questioning, problem-solving, and critical thinking.
A USAA event designed to promote awareness of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields. ECIO employees can bring their children to USAA to participate in various STEM activities that showcase real-world applications.
It was an honor to give my mission moment at this event and to be able to work with these incredible individuals to make the event engaging and successful.