Tiny Steps
Tiny Steps is a full-stack app designed to help parents capture and cherish every special moment of their child’s early years. Built with a working Express.js API, the app uses Sequelize to interact seamlessly with a PostgreSQL database. Tiny Steps allows parents to document milestones, create a photo gallery, and securely track their baby’s memories. It also includes features for personalized record-keeping, ensuring that no milestone or memory is ever missed.
The Tech Blog
I built a CMS-style blog site, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well. I built this site from scratch and deployed it to Render. My app uses Handlebars.js as the templating language, Sequelize as the ORM, and the express-session npm package for authentication.
Furry Friend Finder
This interactive website allows users to explore different dog and cat breeds by selecting their preferred category and browsing breed options. When a breed is selected, users can view detailed information and images, and favorite their preferred breeds for easy access later. The app uses server-side APIs to retrieve breed data and stores user favorites with client-side storage, offering a responsive design built with the Bulma CSS framework and Flexbox for mobile compatibility.
Just Another Text Editor
I built a text editor that runs in the browser. The app is a single-page application that meets the PWA criteria. Additionally, it features a number of data persistence techniques that serve as redundancy in case one of the options is not supported by the browser. The application also functions offline.